Israel Innovation 2.0

Inside Israeli Technology

Browsing Posts published in September, 2008

Tweet Last week, OpTier, an Israeli business transaction management software company, announced that it had successfully raised $63 million in its latest round of funding to focus on its product line and market expansion. While $63 million in funds raised is impressive at any time, it is especially impressive now given the unstable global economy […]

Tweet There may be trouble lurking around the corner for Israel’s economy given the current instability of the global economy, but it hasn’t entirely stopped investments being made in Israeli companies and probably won’t. During the week of September 21, 2008, there were announcements of funds being raised in several sectors of Israel’s hit-tech industry, […]

Tweet If you were at VMWorld 2008, the industry’s largest virtualization conference, last week and are wondering what presence Israeli companies had at it, you need look no farther than the winner of “The Desktop Virtualization Best of VMWorld 2008 Award,” InstallFree. InstallFree, a provider of Dynamic Desktop Computing, “enables organizations to centrally deploy and […]

Tweet The week of September 14, 2008 was pretty bleak for the United States and foreign markets worldwide, including Israel. Despite the fluctuations in the world markets and the economy the past few months, there were several positive stories on technology companies and investments coming out of Israel the past week. Word came that Lehman […]

Tweet SAManage, a provider of on-demand (SaaS) IT Management services, recently made its SAManage IT Contract Management software available for users as a free AppExchange application. According to the news release, the free software addition allows users, “to incorporate the management of IT contracts, software licenses, and subscriptions into the environment. Built […]

Tweet The week of September 7, 2008 was on the quiet side regarding major breakthroughs or mergers and acquisitions related to Israeli companies. That had little effect on the buzz about Israeli companies though. Techcrunch50 took place last week in which 6 (SIX!) Israeli companies were finalists (out of 52) and a 7th was selected […]

Tweet Last month my colleague Krissi Danielsson posted on her blog that people are starting to call “Web 2.0,” originally coined by Tim O’Reilly in reference to the more social and dynamic manner of certain sites, the “Live Web.” While she explained why she liked the term and that it had a good ring to […]

Tweet Investment news related to Israeli companies was close to full force during the week of August 31, 2008 with SemantiNet and ASOCS leading the way with $3.4 million and $8 million raised, respectively. There was also some noise on the acquisitions end, with Red Hat announcing its acquisition of Israeli virtualization company, Qumranet. It […]

Tweet Last week Imperva, an application data security provider, announced that it was selected by Japan’s Fuji Television Network to monitor its databases monitoring and help it comply with Japan’s Financial Instruments and Exchange Law – the Japanese version of the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act. Imperva’s SecureSphere(R) Database Monitoring Gateways (DMG) software will be implemented. According […]