Israel Innovation 2.0

Inside Israeli Technology

Search Results on omek

Tweet A new venture set up by General Electric (GE), ConocoPhillips, and NRG Energy has plans to potentially invest part of its $300 million in early-stage technology firms from Israel. Gesture control company Omek Interactive has raised an undisclosed sum from investors and Iway and Cellcom have launched the first full entertainment and Internet system […]

Tweet This past week Intel announced that it will be investing $2.7 billion into its plant in southern Israel and will be hiring 1,000 new employees this year. Construction began on Israel’s largest desalination plant and Ernst & Young acquired cyber security startup Hacktics Ltd. For these stories and more, see the headlines below. Cleantech […]

Tweet Investment in Israeli biofuel and energy efficiency companies is expected to rise in 2011. Groupon entered the Israeli market with its purchase of group coupon savings site Grouper and more details about the Stuxnet worm and the role Israel and America probably played in its creation continue to unfold. For these stories and more, […]

Tweet Earlier this week,, an interactive video platform from popular Israeli musician, Yoni Bloch, excited the industry with its presentation (and victory) at the second annual Techonomy conference outside of Tel Aviv. The company’s technology, similar to the “choose-your-own-adventure” stories that were popular in the early 1980s, offers viewers the opportunity to decide the […]

Tweet During the week of March 15, 2009, Google fully integrated adCore into Froogle offering a more complete SEO and shopper technology package. Information security companies, Imperva and Trusteer were busy rolling out new features and collaborating on a new anti-malware tool, respectively. Meanwhile, David Pogue of the New York Times wrote about Shai Agassi’s […]